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Inhabit 祢以讚美為居所

Inhabit 祢以讚美為居所 詞曲:Casey Moore & Leeland Mooring Integrity Music(Leeland) Our praise becomes//祢以我們的讚美 Your house//作為聖殿 Your place//作為居所 Oh God//喔 神啊 We sing a song and You come in//我們唱詩歌頌 祢就彰顯 Make a dance and You come in//我們歌唱跳舞 祢就彰顯 Shout Your name and You come in//我們歡呼祢名 祢就彰顯 Give You praise//我們獻上讚美 You inhabit the praises of Your people//祢以祢百姓的讚美作為居所 Come and live //求主彰顯 Come and live in our worship Jesus//主耶穌 在我們的敬拜中彰顯 You said it is written//祢在聖經裡說 My house shall become a house of prayer//我的殿必稱為禱告的殿 Make us into houses of worship//讓我們成為敬拜的殿 Make us into houses of prayer//讓我們成為禱告的殿 Hey all day long//日夜禱告敬拜祢 All day long we wanna worship you Lord//我們要日夜敬拜祢主 Everywhere we go//隨處讚美祢

影片上架日期: 2024年8月19日