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The Old Rugged Cross 古舊十架

國外詩歌 / Carrie Underwood

The Old Rugged Cross 古舊十架 詞曲:George Bennard Carrie Underwood On a hill far away//各各他山嶺上 Stood an old rugged cross//孤立古舊十架 The emblem of suffering and shame//這乃是羞辱痛苦記號 And I love that old cross//神愛子主耶穌 where the dearest and best//為世人被釘死 For a world of lost sinners was slain//這十架為我最愛最寶 So I'll cherish the old rugged cross//故我愛高舉十字寶架 'Til my trophies at last I lay down//直到在主臺前見主面 I will cling to the old rugged cross//我一生要背負十字架 And exchange it some day for a crown//此十架可換公義冠冕 In the old rugged cross//主寶貴十字架 Stained with blood so divine//乃世人所輕視 A wondrous beauty I see//我卻認為是神愛可誇 For 'twas on that old cross//神愛子主耶穌 Jesus suffered and died//離棄天堂榮華 To pardon and sanctify me//背此苦架走向各各他 So I'll cherish the old rugged cross//故我愛高舉十字寶架 'Til my trophies at last I lay down//直到在主臺前見主面 I will cling to the old rugged cross//我一生要背負十字架 And exchange it some day for a crown//此十架可換公義冠冕 Ooh ooh ooh Yeah Ah ah ah Yes, I'll cherish the old rugged cross//故我愛高舉十字寶架 'Til my trophies at last I lay down//直到在主臺前見主面 I will cling to the old rugged cross//我一生要背負十字架 And exchange it some day for a crown//此十架可換公義冠冕 Yes, I'll cherish the old rugged cross//故我愛高舉十字寶架 And exchange it some day for a crown//此十架可換公義冠冕

影片上架日期: 2024年8月19日